Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984

Short-time working and Lay-off

The Company reserves the right in exceptional circumstances to reduce the working week, due to lack of work, lack of materials, or other causes.

In such cases managers should endeavor to give as much advance warning as possible, and to keep the amount and duration of the short time working as low as possible.

In order to minimise the amount of short time working, you can ask employees to carry out alternative work not normally associated with their normal tasks.

If a short time working situation occurs employees will be paid only for the earnings that they achieve on the days that they actually work, subject to any statutory provisions.

It may be that not all employees will be put on short time, and it may be that some employees will be required to work on those days which had previously been designated as “days off”. Such work will not attract overtime payments if it falls within normal contractual hours.

If this is the case, please contact HR for advise and support