Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984

Company Rules


Conditions in this handbook will take precedence over  previous issues of the handbook. However, when there are amendments to these conditions or new agreements are made between the Company and the employee, i.e. offer letter or collective agreement, the latter will take precedence.

This handbook contains the main terms and conditions of your employment which are incorporated into individual contracts of employment. It is not a complete statement because other terms and conditions are to be found elsewhere, and include:

  • Your original offer letter which once signed by yourself forms the basis of your main contract of employment
  • Implied terms, e.g. loyalty and trust between both parties
  • Express terms, e.g. rules governing Company sick pay and pension schemes
  • Local rules and working practices
  • Local collective agreements Company policies


From time to time changes in employment legislation and alterations to Company policies may occur which could affect your terms and conditions of employment. As a result the Company reserves the right to alter or modify your terms and conditions.

Important notes

  1. a) Acceptance of employment with the Company denotes acceptance of the stated terms and conditions of employment.
  2. b) Alleged ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse in the event of a breach of the terms and conditions of  employment.
  3. c) Failure to comply with any stated terms and conditions contained in this handbook, or elsewhere, may involve disciplinary action being taken.

Collective agreements

There are some collective agreements in existence. Where this is the case, these collective agreements will be between the Company and a recognised Trade Union, and will be detailed in your contract of employment and/or displayed at the workplace where they apply.

Public Interest

Outside interest



Employment of relatives

Company Property

Company Visitors

Business Gifts

Purchasing and Removing of scrap

Disclosure of information
