Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984



It is the Company’s intention to avoid redundancies wherever possible by means of accurate manpower planning, natural wastage, relocation, re-deployment, etc.

Policy objectives

However, in the event of redundancy being unavoidable, the individual, workforce, or affected groups, will be consulted.

If there is trade union recognition for the affected group, the relevant full time officials and employee representatives will be involved from the outset.

If staff numbers need to be reduced and consultation does not bring about any alternative options, then wherever possible, volunteers will be sought. However, the Company reserves the right to turn down a request for voluntary redundancy for reasons which can include operational efficiency, the cost of making someone redundant or the potential loss of valuable and hard to replace skills.

Where appropriate the Company will operate a selection process in order to determine which individuals are to be  made redundant.

A number of factors will be considered, including attendance and punctuality, current disciplinary record, skills and experience, aptitude, flexibility, potential and productivity. The factors and weighting may be modified to suit the circumstances of the particular redundancy situation at a specific time.

Individuals, and their union if appropriate, will be kept fully informed of the selection criteria that are to be utilised and there will be the right of appeal against any decision to dismiss on grounds of redundancy.

If relocation or suitable alternative employment is not available, employees will be eligible for redundancy pay in accordance with the current statutory payments.