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Recruitment Policy


The Company recognises that having an effective workforce is fundamental to organisational success.

For this reason, it is Company policy to recruit the best person for each vacancy. Selection will be purely merit- based against pre-determined job requirements and in full compliance with the objectives of the Equality and Dignity at Work policies.

Policy objectives

The value of offering promotion, personal development and job expansion opportunities, as well as increased earning potential, is well accepted and, in the main, existing employees will have the opportunity and be encouraged to apply for available vacancies.

This is beneficial not only to the individual employee, but also allows the Company to gain the benefits of investing in “home grown” talent.

There will be occasions however when, for reasons of operational efficiency, such as the need to bring in fresh ideas or new skills, or where it is clear that the skills do not exist within the business, some posts will only be advertised externally.

There will also be occasions where there is only one obvious candidate and not to offer this person the position would be grossly unfair. Such instances might include where someone has been successfully covering the post for some time in the absence of the normal post holder.

Employees will not be discouraged or prevented from applying for transfers or promotions to other departments by their present manager.

Last updated:  21st August 2019