Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984

Attending a disciplinary meeting

It is the policy of the Epwin Group to ensure that fair and effective arrangements exist for dealing with disciplinary issues, and to ensure that uniform standards are developed throughout the Group with regard to both work and behaviour. Wherever practicable the formal procedures should be preceded by private and informal counselling.

Management are responsible for maintaining discipline and control to ensure that the Company operates profitably, efficiently and within the law.

The day to day responsibility of disciplinaries and related matters lies with your line manager and the relevant Director.

Your line manager is responsible for clarifying the required standards, preliminary investigation of any concerns and for any private and informal counselling of those judged not to be meeting the required standard.

In the normal conduct of business, advice and correction of an employee by management is a normal feature and is not regarded as disciplinary action. Incompetence and unsuitability will be addressed through the disciplinary procedure if counselling fails to achieve the required improvement. This procedure is designed to avoid misunderstanding and to ensure fair treatment of all employees.

Matters to which procedure stages will normally apply include the following as examples, this list is not exhaustive and a common sense approach will be applied:

  • Excessive absence
  • Disregard of Company regulations and procedures Unauthorised absence
  • Failure to follow absence notification procedure Excessive lateness
  • Misuse of, or damage to, property belonging to the Company, fellow employees, customers, visitors, etc.
  • Bad timekeeping or abuse of breaks Disruption of working harmony
  • Using Company equipment for unauthorised purposes, inc. misuse or excessive personal use of Company computers (e.g. e-mail or internet), mobile phones, etc.
  • Inattention to health and safety matters
  • Failure to obey Road Traffic Regulations whilst on Company business or parking/traffic regulations on Company premises
  • Poor performance and/or failure to apply reasonable care and attention to work, substandard quality work or concealing defective work or scrap Loitering, time wasting
  • Failure to report for normal or overtime working without notifying Supervisor
  • Committing any act likely to bring the Company into disrepute. This includes information or comments made via any private and/or Company Social Media Networks

Summary Dismissal

Stages of a disciplinary procedure

Making an appeal