Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984

Referring employee to Occupational Health

Where there are concerns that work could be affecting an employee’s health or that a health problem could be affecting an employee’s ability to do their job, a referral to Occupational Health (OH) for advice and assistance in managing such concerns effectively, should be made.

The purpose of a referral is to provide advice and support to the employee and an assessment by an OH practitioner can provide objective information that can assist management in addressing a number of issues.

When to refer

An employee should be referred for an assessment where:

  • There is concern that they may have work related health problems or that their health is being aggravated by work tasks.
  • There are difficulties coping on return after being absent – following a serious illness or injury or due to a disability.
  • There may be underlying ill health or disability contributing to performance issues.
  • There is long term or frequent sickness absence.

If you are unsure whether a referral is appropriate please contact the HR Team for further advice.

How to refer

The HR Team will submit a formal referral to the company’s OH Advisors Medigold. However, in order to ensure that a fully comprehensive medical report is received information is required from the manager. Managers Referral Form, must be completed by the manager and submitted to the HR Team, along with a copy of the employees Job Description. The HR Team will then review and finalise the referral, working closely with the manager, and submit.

Reason for referral

It is important that the reason for referral is clearly explained on the referral form so that the practitioner can understand why the individual has been referred. When completing the referral please provide the following as a minimum:

  • Why the employee is being referred.
  • The diagnosis from their FIT Note / absence record.
  • The employee’s historic absence details.
  • Whether the employee is currently absent from work and confirm the first day of absence.
  • Advise if a returned to work date has been confirmed or if there is an anticipated return to work date.
  • Outline the management action that will be considered when you get the medical report.

Background history

The more background that can be provided the better response that will be received from the OH Clinician. Provide any information that is believed to be relevant, for example:

  • Is the employee’s attendance pattern causing a concern?
  • Is the employee able to carry out their job?
  • Is there a rehabilitation plan in place that has not progressed as expected?
  • Does the employee have any previous history of their current condition?
  • Are there any personal issues?
  • Does the employees condition impact on their social/domestic activities that you are aware of?
  • Is the employee expected to return to work at any point in the future?
  • Has the employee entered into a formal management process?

Management Contact

From the regular contact that has been maintained as part of the absence process, there should be plenty of information provided to Medigold before the employee is assessed. Things to consider include:

  • Are there any perceived barriers to returning to work? For example, immobility, physical limitations, surgery, conflicts at work or with management?
  • Is the employee due to see their GP or a specialist in the future?
  • Are we aware of any external support the employee may be receiving, for example physiotherapy or counselling?
  • Have any potential adjustments already been discussed; e.g. hours of work, duties, etc…

Adjustments or modifications

In some cases, an employee may already be back to work on adjusted duties, but still require Medigold advice. The following should be covered with any referral that is made:

  • Has there been a local agreement on adjusting the employees work practice?
  • Is so, was it successful? If not, what difficulties was the employee experiencing?
  • Where these adjustments made due to the Equality Act?

Further flexibilities

It is important that Medigold are aware of what available work or redeployment opportunities there is in the area and what further adjustments the business could support. Include information on the adjustments and modifications that the company could reasonably support and for how long. Examples include a rehabilitation plan, alternative work patterns, contractual changes, alternative office locations, job share etc…


It is so important that Medigold knows about the role the individual is contracted to do so that this can be taken into account if rehabilitation is required. A copy of the job descriptions or the following details should therefore be included:

  • The role the employee is contracted to do.
  • Whether the employee works full time or part time or works shifts or overtime.
  • The type of work the employee does, for example administrative or operative etc…
  • Whether the employee’s role involves repetitive tasks; driving, walking or using specific machinery.
  • Any unusual aspects of the role.

Any other relevant information

Is there any other information which would help the scrutiny practitioners manage and routine this case appropriately? For example:

  • Is there a date for a dismissal hearing or performance review?
  • Are there any outcomes from conducts hearings or appeals?
  • Is the employee undertaking any other work outside of the organisation?

Specific questions

Make sure that any questions you want addressed are added to the referral form. To do this the issues that you would like to be addressed, specific to this employee and the current referral, should be outlined.

Please make sure that correct questions are asked; is the employee fit to attend a meeting or is the employee fit to return to work are two very different questions.

Occupational Health will provide advice on the following:

  • Any adjustments/modifications to the work role or work environment that should be considered if the Equality Act is to apply.
  • A timescale for return to work, where possible, with a rehabilitation plan if appropriate.

They will also comment on future expectations with regards to the particular health condition.

Remember, the more information you provide, the better the quality of reports that will be produced to enable you to manage the absence.

The HR Team will work very closely with the manager on all Occupational Health referrals and following receipt of a medical report will liaise with the manager and employee direct to discuss relevant next steps.