Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984

Absence Policy


The Company seeks to promote high standards of attendance throughout its workforce, whilst at the same time operating in a fair, compassionate and consistent manner.

This policy is designed to provide an effective but fair absence control process to deal with situations that fall short of acceptable levels.

Policy Objectives

Management will regularly review attendance records to identify any problems.

Return to work interviews, following a period of absence, will be carried out by the line manager.

Where the level of absence reaches a trigger point, the manager will meet with the employee to discuss and review their absence and the reasons for this. Where there may be an underlying cause for the absences then the employee may be referred to a qualified Occupational Health Advisor/Doctor so that recommendations can be made to the employee and the business.

An absence review meeting may be triggered in a number of ways, these include

  • The number of occasions absent in a period (3 occasions in 3 months or 4 occasion in 12 months)
  • The percentage of time lost in a 12-month rolling period
  • The pattern of absence
  • The reasons for the absences
  • Whether correct notification procedures were followed
  • Whether correct certification was received

Stage Management

Whenever these triggers are reached, then action may be taken within the constraints of legislation and compassion for the individual employee.