Epwin Absence line: 0300 303 3984

Company Cars and Drivers

The Company is committed to the safety of its employees and the delivery of its obligations under Health & Safety legislation with regards to driving at work.

We recognise that there are specific risks to employees who are driving on behalf of the Company.

We aim to actively encourage safe driving in order to reduce the number of accidents and to comply with all legal obligations, particularly through the following specific regulations:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
  • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous
  • Occurrences Regulations
  • The Road Traffic Acts

Drivers are expected to make themselves familiar with this document and to ensure that they practice safe methods of driving at all times. They are duty bound under the law to ensure they ‘work’ safely and must not knowingly do anything to put themselves or others (co-workers or members of the general public) at risk.

Please note that in respect of Company vehicles authority must be obtained from the Fleet Service Provider prior to the commencement of any repair or maintenance work on the vehicle.

Company vehicles

Company vehicles may be provided as part of an employee’s terms and conditions, or occasionally an employee may be required to use a Company vehicle in order to perform their duties.

Our fleet is managed by our 3rd party provider Zenith Intelligent Vehicle Solutions, who will issue you with personal login details to their website. All information relating to fleet is contained on the website.

Servicing and tyre replacement costs are covered by the contract hire agreement for your vehicle and therefore should not require claims via the expense process.

Fuel and oil costs should be paid for using the fuel card provided with your vehicle.

If you have had to put fuel into your company car using your own cash due to an issue with the fuel card this must be claimed back via your monthly vehicle return to Zenith and not the expense process. The cost will be reimbursed by adjustment to the value you are charged for private mileage.

The cost of car washes and valets will not be reimbursed.

Vehicles and personal property

Neither the Company nor its insurers accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to vehicles, the theft of property from vehicles, nor the loss of or damage to any personal property. Vehicles which cause an obstruction, may be moved to a convenient place; the Company will not be responsible for any damage caused by such removal.

The owners/drivers of any vehicle brought onto Company premises must observe the following rules:

The parking areas provided must be used and vehicles must not be parked in specified ‘NO PARKING’ areas, specified customer or disabled parking areas or against the walls of the buildings unless facilities are provided

Speed limits, signs and traffic regulations must be observed, including the display of a current tax disc

Any article found on the premises should be handed to Reception or the Human Resources Department.

Company Car Drivers

Mileage Scheme